ホーム İstanbul



から ₺150,00/日
İstanbul, トルコ
4.5/5 - 25230 レビュー
↩️ キャンセル無料 |
🔒 10000ユーロの補償込み |
🧳 すべての荷物サイズに対応
4.5/5 (25230)
手荷物預かり所 İstanbul


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Nannybagは、お手頃価格で便利に使える完全補償付きのサービスで、荷物を預かるスペースのあるホテルやショップとあなたをつなぐプラットフォームです。Nannybag İstanbulの手荷物預かり所では、以下のサービスをご利用いただけます。
🌍 世界各地10,000以上のスポットでご利用可能
🕐 24時間年中無休のカスタマーサービス
🔒 €10,000の荷物補償
📱 Nannybagアプリで簡単にオンライン予約
↩️ 100%無料キャンセル:ご到着間にキャンセルされた場合は全額返金
🎒 100万人を超えるユーザー数、200万個以上の手荷物預かり実績



4.5/5 (25230)
In Paris
Excellent location. Very easy to find in Google maps. Park next to the church to drop luggage. They were very flexible with our reservation timing as we were late. They responded promptly to our message through the nannybag website. Overall great peace of mind knowing luggage was stored safely.
In London
Easy to book. Easy to hand in luggage. Easy to collect luggage. Very convenient.
In London
Simple booking process, bag drop and collection efficient and smooth. Location was directly opposite Lille bus station and open 24hrs. Perfect!



İstanbul に荷物預かり所はありますか?




İstanbulの手荷物預かり所ガイド 2025年版


は、世界で最も歴史的に重要な建造物のひとつである。 もともとは537年に大聖堂として建てられたが、後にモスクに改築され、現在は博物館となっている。 その巨大なドームは、当時のエンジニアリングの驚異であり、最も象徴的な特徴のひとつである。 内部はモザイク、書道、建築の細部で飾られている。 この建造物を訪れ、何世紀にもわたる変遷を学びながら、Nannybagのような信頼できる荷物預かりサービスを利用して荷物を保管しよう。 15世紀に建てられたトプカプ宮殿

は、かつてオスマン帝国のスルタンの主要な住居であった。 宮殿には宝石、写本、芸術品のコレクションが展示されている。 また、エメラルドで飾られた有名なトプカピの短剣や、世界最大級のダイヤモンドであるスプーンメーカーのダイヤモンドも展示されている。 スルタンたちの生活や宮廷を想像しながら、豪華な中庭や寝室、庭園を散策することができる。 イスタンブールの荷物預かりはNannybagにお任せください。 イスタンブールは2つの大陸にまたがる都市だ。 歴史的にはビザンチウム、後にコンスタンチノープルとして知られ、ローマ帝国、ビザンチン帝国、オスマン帝国という3つの大帝国の首都として機能していた。 istanbul travel guide

に掲載されている必見スポットには、アヤソフィア、トプカプ宮殿、ブルーモスク、グランドバザールなどがある。 待ち時間がある場合は、イスタンブール市内の便利な荷物預かり所を利用すれば、安全な場所に荷物を預けることができ、ストレスのない旅行日を過ごすことができます。


Nannybagのご利用は簡単で、あっという間に完了します。Nannybagのウェブサイトかアプリ(App StoreまたはGoogle Playでダウンロード)でご予約ください。検索バーに都市名を入力すると、近くの提携手荷物預かり所が表示されます。İstanbulの主要駅や観光スポット近くの手荷物預かり所がすぐに見つかります。手荷物預かり所の呼び方は国や言語によって異なりますが、どれも同じ手荷物預かり所サービスです。たとえば、イギリスでは「luggage lockers」ではなく「left luggage」と呼ばれますが、同じサービスですのでご安心ください 単に手荷物預かり所を確保するサービスでしょうか?


安心してご利用いただけるよう、Nannybagではサービスご利用中に発生する可能性のある事故(紛失、盗難、破損)について、最大10,000 ユーロまで手荷物の損害を補償しています。さらに、当社のナニーは、プロフェッショナルなおもてなしを提供できるよう慎重な審査により選ばれた認定パートナーです。オンラインでNannybagの評価や、各ナニーについてのレビューコメントもご参照いただけます。



From the lively, sometimes leisurely Taksim Square in the heart of the city to the historic Beyoğlu filled with Italian architecture as well as Islamic and Orthodox Churches, Istanbul is packed with historical and religious monuments, beautiful examples of the architecture of many different cultures, and periods. Perhaps you have some business in the bustling Ataşehir, the city's central business district where huge towers and skyscrapers dominate the skyline, or want to wander around the wealthy, colorful Kadıköy neighborhood to appreciate the street art or the food markets and shops? If so, you certainly will want to tackle these neighborhoods without being weighed down by your things. Find a secure location in whatever area of the city you are in, and using our service, safely store your items with one of our partner Nannies.

Taksim Square 手荷物預かり所

Like most parts of the city, Taksim (distribution) Square in the city center has a rich history, dating back to the 18th where water used to be distributed. However, it is now a symbol of Istanbul’s modernity and popularity. Many of the city’s main monuments, busiest streets, and major transport spots are nearby. This is a great starting point for discovering Istanbul. You might as well do it hands-free! Find bag storage and embark on your adventure!

Sultanahmet 手荷物預かり所

Sultanahmet is the historic district of Istanbul, with many of the most famous historic sites in the city located here. Visit this neighborhood to see the likes of the Hagia Sophia Mosque, the Blue Mosque (also called Sultan Ahmed Mosque), Galata Bridge, and the Topkapi Palace, amongst a host of other sites and attractions. Don’t let a few bags ruin your day! Find cheap and safe storage and enjoy your day the only way you should: worry-free!

Kadıköy 手荷物預かり所

Meaning “judge’s village”, Kadıköy borders the sea of Marmara on the Asian side of the city. It was the first Greek settlement in the area, then a town known as Chalcedon. It’s not one of the best-known neighborhoods in the city but is full of cool spots. Explore Fernabahce Park overlooking Princes’ Island or the museum in the beautiful Hyderpasa station. There are plenty of spots to drop luggage for a few hours or more around here if needs be!

Beyoğlu 手荷物預かり所

Across the Golden Horn from the Old City, Beyoğlu was called "Pera", which means "the other side" in Greek, until the creation of the Turkish state. It’s now also a nightlife, full of museums and beautiful architecture from throughout the ages. Find a spot in the district to store luggage and explore Beyoğlu unburdened!

Ataşehir 手荷物預かり所

This area is perhaps the main business district of the city. It is very built up; for example, Turkey’s largest building, the 70-story Metropol Istanbul Tower 1, is found here, as well as Yeditepe University and many sporting arenas. Find somewhere nearby to store luggage if you find yourself traveling here! This could save the day!

Beşiktaş 手荷物預かり所

On the East of the city, beside the Bosporus, is the Beşiktaş neighborhood. This iconic artistic and historic center, and one of the city's oldest areas, houses universities, several historic sites, and numerous scenic views of the Bosporus. We could see why you would prefer to walk around these places light on your feet. If you want to explore Istanbul unburdened, drop off luggage at a storage location in Beşiktaş for only €6 per item per 24h.

Sultanbeyli 手荷物預かり所

Sultanbeyli is an area that has expanded rapidly and has more than tripled in population since 1990. This is because of the well-developed transport links to the rest of the city. It’s now a bustling, lively suburb with many things to offer, from restaurants to shops and entertainment spots. Not exactly the kind of situation in which you’d like to bounce around with your bags or suitcase. If you need to store any luggage in the area, check out where you can drop something off with Nannybag for only €6 per day!


Have you just flown into Istanbul and are ready to get stuck exploring the city but don’t want your bags weighing you down? Instead of dragging them around with you, why not instantly find a Nanny location near Istanbul Airport or Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, and store luggage, with luggage protection included for only €6 per day?

Sabiha Gökçen International Airport 手荷物預かり所

Named after the daughter of Turkey’s first President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the world’s first female combat jet fighter, Sabiha Gökçen International Airport is none of two serving the city. Located on the Asian side of the city, it was finished in 2001. If you have plans but find yourself stuck at the airport with your luggage, find the ideal Nannybag luggage storage location!

Istanbul Airport 手荷物預かり所

This modern, state-of-the-art airport was built in 2019 to replace the Istanbul Ataturk Airport, which had no space to expand. Istanbul airport is the busiest in Europe, serving 64 million passengers in 2022. Of these, 48.5 million were international passengers, making it the second busiest airport for international travelers in the world. The airport’s shopping, food, and services are among the best in the world. Need to store luggage nearby? Check out where there are some Nannybag locations near the airport.



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