All activities of Nannybag are undertaken subject to these Conditions which govern the terms of our service.


In these Conditions the following expressions shall have the following meanings:

Consignment/Package/Goods: The contents of parcel or piece of luggage sent by any of our services to an individual address.

Couriers: The various different agents we use to carry out our services.

Prohibited Goods: The items designated as such in accordance with Paragraph 11.

We/Us: Nannybag having its’ registered office at 66 avenue des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris France trading as Nannybag.com

Working Day: Any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, Bank or Public Holiday and any other day on which the respective courier may be closed. It also means only the equivalent in the country of destination or any intermediate country.

Weight: Actual weight in Kgs.

You/Customer: The person or persons placing the order for delivery of a consignment.


2.1 We may procure any or all of our services as an agent or may provide them directly as a principal.

2.2 You are deemed to have contracted with us as a principal for the performance of the services whether we provide them as principal or as an agent. We have full discretion to either perform the services directly or to subcontract the whole or any part of the services to third parties.

2.3 Where we act as an agent for you we are entitled to enter into all contracts on your behalf as may be necessary to fulfil your order and subject to the terms and conditions of such third party.

2.4 We may exercise discretion as to the means, route and procedure to be followed in the handling, storage and transportation of the Goods.

2.5 We are entitled to be paid and retain all brokerage, commissions, allowances and other remuneration customarily paid to or retained by courier booking services.

2.6 We do not accept orders from commercial re-sellers. We reserve the right to cancel any orders placed by any unauthorised re-sellers or suspected re-sellers and the terms of paragraph 5 shall apply to such cancelled orders.


3.1 All delivery times are given as estimates and are not guaranteed. Customers must be aware that unforeseen delays can occur for a wide range of reasons. Whilst Nannybag periodically monitors all shipments, you agree to daily monitor your item from collection onwards using the tracking tools provided and to notify Nannybag of any unexpected tracking events. While all pieces in multi piece consignments are typically delivered together, from time to time items may arrive in separate deliveries. 

3.2 Wherever customs/security officials of any origin or destination country check any items being shipped/delivered the Company will make any attempt to ensure that luggage can be delivered as per the estimated delivery date. By agreeing to our terms and conditions you accept that delays may occur due to such checks, and that you will not receive compensation, or discounted rates, arising from such delay (including where customs require you to visit an office to clear or collect an item). Any additional duties or other fees levied by any Customs authority will be payable by the customer in accordance with paragraph 6.8.3 below.

3.3 Denied Parties. In order to comply with international security measures, you agree to provide us with a full and accurate contact name at the collection and delivery addresses, for example 'Thomas Smith', abbreviations such as 'Mr Smith' or 'T Smith' are not acceptable. Failure to provide a full and accurate name may result in your item being held while it is manually assessed against international denied parties lists.


You must accurately weigh and measure your item.

4.1 Weight restrictions

While there is no limit to the aggregate weight of a multi-package consignment, an individual package must not exceed 20Kgs.

4.2 Overweight items may be refused for collection or delivery, may cause delays to your order and/or incur cancellation fees or additional fees if accepted for collection/delivery.

You must accurately weigh your item.

4.3 Size restrictions

The dimensions of a single package must respect the following size: length + 2x width + 2x height < 250cm, and length < 100cm. Any oversize will incur an extra fee. Note that there may also be restrictions on size imposed by origin/destination countries.

4.4 If you fail to comply with size and weight restrictions set out above it may lead to delays and your payment card will be charged an additional surcharge. All additional charges will be passed on to the customer within 90 days of delivery.

4.5 If your item is overweight or oversized you will be charged 30€ per oversized piece. A handling fee may also be applied. Payment will be taken in accordance with Paragraph 4.6.

4.6 By accepting these terms and conditions you also give us the permission to charge your debit/credit card for any weight discrepancies or extra charges that may be charged to us by our agents due to the supply of incorrect information at the time of your booking (including regarding the size, weight and number of items). If we are unable to automatically charge your card we will notify you in writing and you agree to pay us the stated sum within 7 days. Failure to make payment will result in debt recovery proceedings being launched with any associated costs being the responsibility of the customer.


5.1  After you place your order online an order number will be displayed on screen confirming your order has been accepted and confirmed. You will receive at the same time an email acknowledging your order.

5.2 At any time up until your order picked up, you may cancel your order by contacting our customer support. We will confirm your order has been cancelled and credited to your account. Refund may take up to 3 weeks to arrive on your bank account.

5.3 Once an order has been confirmed you cannot modify your order and any modifications will result in the order being cancelled and a new order will be required.


6.1 When you drop off your packages at the drop-off point, you may be asked to open your packages for security purposes to check that there are no prohibited items.

6.2 You must:

Attach the provided label securely in such a way that it cannot be easily removed. DO NOT attach labels in a plastic document wallet using string, cable ties, staples, pins or tape only around the edges. DO NOT, with the exception of boxes, attach labels by running tape around the edge of the label. DO NOT, with the exception of boxes, attach labels using sticky back document wallets. DO attach labels securely in line with our guidance. Do not hesitate to check our FAQ for more tips on how to attach your label safely;

A second copy of the label should be placed inside the bag;

Ensure no old labels or any tag bearing any other tracking number or address other than the delivery address is visible on the bag; 

For international services, attach a packing list and customs form visibly and separately from the tracking label. 

6.3 You must ensure that the description and particulars of any Goods are full and accurate. Any incorrect or inaccurate descriptions may result in refusal to accept the items for carriage. Any costs incurred due to incorrect information will be passed on.

6.4 You must ensure all Goods have been packaged in a manner appropriate to the characteristics of the Goods and their transportation with suitable protective material encasing the Goods to prevent damage. Your items must be thoroughly packaged and must be able to fall approximately 100 cm or slide down a sorting chute without being damaged. Your packaging must be sufficient to hold the weight packed, in particular you must ensure handles and other elements are designed to withstand the packed weight. Your consignment will be passing through automated systems including conveyor belts and the packaging should therefore be robust. Automated systems cannot adhere to orientation markings such as "this way up" or fragile stickers. Your bag may be stacked with other items. By way of example only, appropriate packaging could include a double walled cardboard box or suitcase with individual items wrapped in bubble wrap and secured inside the package. Plastic bags and plastic boxes are not appropriate forms of packaging.

Due to their inability to protect contents, straps which can become trapped in the automated network and their inability to be stacked; Holdalls, Duffles are Rucksacks are no longer considered appropriate packaging by a number of our transport partners. These items should not be used as packaging on any route on which an alert warns they are no longer accepted. If such items are placed in a box they will be accepted. If sending Holdalls, Duffles or Rucksacks on any other route they should be fully wrapped to ensure straps do not get caught as they move through the network.

Packaging boxes, cases and covers may suffer damage in transit and where suitcases or bags are used to carry Goods such suitcases and bags must also be encased in a protective material to prevent damage. If a suitcase or bag is not suitably protected we shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever to such suitcase or bag. We strongly advise against using high-value luggage for transportation of Goods.

We shall have no liability for damage caused to protruding baggage parts such as wheels, straps, pockets, pull handles, hanger hooks or other items attached to baggage.

Where any Goods are not properly packaged and protected we shall have no liability for any damage caused to the packaging or the Goods or for the loss of any contents due to failure of the packaging.

6.5 You shall save harmless and keep us indemnified from and against:

6.5.1 All liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, all duties, taxes, imposts, levies, deposits and outlays of whatsoever nature levied by any authority in relation to the goods) arising out of our acting in accordance with your instructions or arising from any breach by you of any warranty contained in these Conditions or from your negligence;

6.5.2   Without derogation from clause 6.5.1 above, any liability assumed or incurred by us when by reason of carrying out your instructions we have reasonably become liable or may become liable to any other party; and

6.5.3   All claims, costs and demands whatsoever and by whomsoever made or preferred in excess of the liability of Nannybag.com under the terms of these Conditions regardless whether such claims, costs and demands arise from or in connection with the negligence or breach of duty of Nannybag.com, its servants, sub-contractors or agents.

6.6 You shall be responsible for all freight, duties, charges or other expenses incurred by us in respect of any consignment.

7.7 If you opt to drop off your packages at a parcel shop, you have up to 30 days to drop off your luggage. After this period, no refund or compensation of any kind will be accepted.

6.8 International shipping and customs

6.8.1 All luggage items being shipped internationally must remain unlocked for Customs and security purposes. Any locks will be broken by such customs officials and we shall not be liable for such loss. You recognise that your packages may be opened, inspected or seized by international customs authorities and we shall incur no liability as a result of that.

6.8.2 In respect of international deliveries, you shall fully complete, prepare, sign (as appropriate) and attach all documentation as required by customs authorities in the origin and the destination country. Packing lists and customs forms must be attached in a separate wallet from the tracking label and must be attached in such a way to ensure they are clearly visible. Failure to do so may result in customs clearance delays and/or loss/damage to the Goods for which we bear no responsibility. You agree to present any and all information and documentation requested by a customs authority, or by a courier or broker under instructions from a customs authority, in order to clear your package through customs.

6.8.3 Any additional duties or other fees levied by any Customs authority will be payable by the customer and by accepting these terms and conditions you also give us the permission to charge your debit/credit card for any duties or fees that may be charged to us by such customs authority in respect of your Goods. If we are unable to automatically charge your card we will notify you in writing and you will be required to pay us the stated sum within 7 days. Failure to make payment may result in additional recovery costs being incurred which shall ultimately be the responsibility of the customer.

6.8.4 Where the Nannybag service is used to send commercial items it is likely that the relevant Customs authority will impose additional charges and these will be payable by the customer in accordance with paragraph 6.8.3.

6.8.5 Should your consignment be stopped by customs or enter a clearance event at any point be aware it may take customs some time to process any payment or supplementary information you provide, typical turnaround is 1-3 working days but this time frame can be exceeded. Once payment and supplementary information is provided and your item is officially cleared, it can take some time for your item to re-enter the delivery network and be processed on the correct cycle for delivery, typical turnaround is 1-3 working days but this time frame can be exceeded.

6.8.6 In the event that a Customs authority seizes any Goods for any reason they shall be deemed delivered by Nannybag and we shall have no further liability to the Customer in respect of those Goods. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay any duties, fines or levies imposed by such authority and procure their collection or onward delivery following such seizure.

6.9 Additional Items

6.9.1 You agree to ensure that the correct items are dropped off at the drop-off point. Additional items cannot be collected without prior booking on our website. In the event of cancellation, you agree that the items will not be dropped off at the drop-off point.


7.1 Customers are responsible for providing us with a full and accurate delivery address. The delivery point must be accessible to the public and the driver must be able to park within 25m of this point. Customers must have someone available at this address between the normal delivery hours of 9.00 - 18.00 on the expected delivery day. It is accepted that deliveries may take place outside of these hours. With regard to new build locations it is essential that you confirm that the address is known to local couriers and has received deliveries and handled collections previously.

7.2 If our agent is unable to deliver the parcel, the package will be made available at a nearby drop-off point. In this case, a delivery card will be left at the delivery address, giving details of delivery to the alternative address. In the case of delivery to a drop-off point, it is the customer's responsibility to collect the item. If the item is not collected or re-delivered within 5 days of the original delivery date, the item may be returned to the sender address, any resulting loss or damage to your item at this stage is no longer covered by any discretionary compensation that we may offer. Any charge resulting from a return to sender will be billed to the customer – and charged automatically in accordance with Paragraph 4.5.

7.3 Nannybag and its courier agents are not obliged to accept instructions to redirect a consignment to an alternative address, other than the address specified in the order. If such instructions are accepted the alternative address will be deemed the delivery address for the purpose of these terms and conditions. In the case of redirection additional charges may apply and will be charged in accordance with Paragraph 4.5.

7.4 If the delivery is made to an alternative address in the circumstances described in either paragraphs 7.2 or 7.3 above this shall be deemed as if the consignment was delivered to the delivery address for the purpose of these terms and conditions. Liability of Nannybag.com shall wholly cease upon such delivery.

7.4.1 Any signature at your appointed delivery address constitutes safe delivery of your item and that we or our agents are in no way responsible for the item once signed for. We nor any of our agents shall be liable in respect of any Consignment delivered to the delivery address or other address specified by the recipient, where any person misrepresents his authority to receive the Consignment on the recipient’s or Customer’s behalf; or where our agents are delivering it in accordance with instructions from, or purporting to be from the recipient or the Customer.

7.5 International Deliveries

7.5.1 You must provide an available local contact number for international deliveries.

If you provide an incorrect address or your delivery address is unobtainable, the courier will contact you to agree on a new delivery address or inform you of the availability of your item at a collection point located nearby. Please note that your item may also be returned to the initial address. These modifications may occur charges which will be applied under the same conditions as in 4.5. You should monitor your package via tracking and contact the courier if an item is held, delayed or has stopped tracking.

When providing an international delivery address the customer must ensure it is a known standard delivery address, if it is a commercial address you must ensure that it regularly receives deliveries and handled collections. Providing a generic address of a cruise line at a port for example will likely not be sufficient.

7.5.2 International service charges cover carriage only, any extra charges arising due to customs delays, import or export taxes are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by the customer. If you choose to send non standard excess baggage items which may be seen as commercial it is possible that customs may apply a charge, the customer is entirely responsible for paying this charge in accordance with paragraph 6.8.3. You are responsible for ensuring the items they are sending to a country are not restricted. When required the customer is responsible for providing an accurate description and value of contents in order for customs documentation to be completed accurately.

7.5.3 By sending any non standard excess baggage items which may not constitute personal effects on international services, international customs may apply charges which the customer will be responsible to pay.

7.5.4 In addition to our standard prohibited items list you will adhere to any additional restrictions imposed by the collection or destination country.

7.5.5 The customer is responsible for completing the appropriate documentation required for their particular package to pass through any border control that it may be subjected to. The customer recognises that failure to fully complete and sign any customs declarations may result in customs clearance delays and/or loss or damage to a consignment for which Nannybag.com or its’ agents bears no responsibility. The customer further agrees to accede to any rights of international custom authorities or employees of Nannybag.com or its agents, on instruction from the former, to inspect any package or open any package for inspection.

7.5.6 Under no circumstances drop-off a bag without a Nannybag tracking label attached. Failure to follow our guidance for attaching labels and customs documentation may lead to delay and loss.  Labels are available to be downloaded and printed directly from the confirmation email, if you have any difficulties printing your label contact us as it may be possible to send them to you via post for a small fee.

7.5.7 Your international delivery's transit times and charges are quoted based on the details provided, should you fail to provide a postcode in the internationally recognised format for any country you may not be made aware of additional transit times or costs to your specific location.  No details other than the postcode should be entered in the postcode box when placing your order. Additional charges when due will be collected in accordance with paragraph 4.5.


8.1 We do not provide any guarantees as to date or time of delivery.

Note that most delays are due to customers failing to label their packages correctly or for failing to weigh the goods properly or for failing to complete documentation fully.

No expenses will be paid if holiday baggage is delayed and all customers are strongly advised to purchase travel insurance to protect them from such an event.


9.1 We are a booking agency and are in no way responsible for the loss of, or damage to any package or its contents. We only use large reputable couriers and therefore loss or damage is extremely rare. To avoid damage to your package contents be mindful that our couriers treat every package with care but your package will be loaded and unloaded by human hands several times on its journey. Your items must be thoroughly packaged and must be able to fall approximately 100 cm without breaking.

9.2 Your package will be under the control and responsibility of the courier from collection until delivery, in whatever form in accordance with Paragraph 7, takes place.

9.3 In the case of a non tracking item you will provide us with an accurate description of your bag and contents within 5 days. Upon receipt a recovery process will be initiated with the courier which will continue no longer than 28 days after the estimated delivery date.

9.4 We accept no liability for loss or damage to any Goods booked through Nannybag.com by an unauthorised re-seller.


10.1 You are responsible for ensuring you have sufficient insurance cover in place and often customers will find they are already covered by their home or travel insurance policy. We strongly advise you to inform your insurer before travelling or sending Goods to ensure you have adequate protection.

10.2 We shall perform our duties with a reasonable degree of care, diligence, skill and judgment.

10.3 We shall be relieved of liability for any loss or damage if and to the extent that such loss or damage is caused by:

10.3.1 Strike, lock-out, stoppage or restraint of labour, Customs delay, the consequences of which we are unable to avoid by the exercise of reasonable diligence; or

10.3.2 Any cause or event which we are unable to avoid and the consequences whereof we are unable to prevent by the exercise of reasonable diligence; or

10.3.3 the failure of our customer to adhere to the terms and conditions set out in these Conditions

10.4 We accept no liability for loss arising from delays in collection or delivery of Goods.

10.5 Our liability for loss of or damage to Goods shall be limited to the amount of any discretionary compensation as detailed in clause 10.6 below.

10.6 We shall not in any circumstances whatsoever be liable for indirect or consequential loss such as (but not limited to) loss of profit, loss of market or the consequences of delay or deviation however caused.

Compensation will not be offered for:

  • Any item prohibited under 11.5 of these terms;
  • non standard personal effects shipments i.e. items which are not usually found in a suitcase;
  • items we advise customers not to use our service to transport or which we advise are sent at the customers' risk including but not limited to, glass, porcelain, all electrical goods (Including but not limited to, Camera, TVs, HIFIs, Mobile Phones, Tablet Computers, Laptop Computers, Printers and Personal Computers), Valuables including but not limited to Jewellery;
  • liquid damage;
  • items reported missing from a successfully delivered shipment which was collected from or delivered to a 3rd party other than the owner of the shipment or a direct family member;
  • loss suffered when goods have been signed for received at the address, refused delivery at the address or the address has been found to be incomplete and the recipient has not responded to contact;
  • loss suffered when goods have not been collected;
  • loss or damage suffered when goods have not been packaged or labelled appropriately in accordance with our terms.

Loss or Damage arising from the following circumstances will also not be covered under the complimentary compensation:

  • Acts of God
  • Consequence of War or Terrorism
  • Prohibited Contents

In the event that we make an offer of compensation for any Goods it shall be at our discretion to offer the lower of the original value, the current replacement value of the Goods or, where applicable, the cost to repair or reinstate the Goods.

The maximum discretionary compensation that will be offered for any individual item will be €150.
The maximum discretionary compensation that will be offered for all items will be €1000.

Where a suitcase is used as packaging for the transportation of Goods, it must be encased in a protective material to prevent damage. The maximum discretionary compensation that will be offered for any damage to a suitcase used as packaging will be €50.

10.7 Making a claim for compensation

In order for us to consider a claim we must be provided with the information detailed below. Note that if you have used insufficient packaging (6.4), not securely attached labels (6.2) in such a way that they cannot peel off or attached the wrong labels compensation will cover will not be offered.

If you have not provided an accurate description of the bag and contents within 5 days of the item stopping tracking in order to allow Nannybag to complete necessary recovery searches compensation will not be offered.

In order for us to consider any claim for compensation; in the case of damage you must inform Nannybag.com, in writing, within 3 days of delivery of the Goods, in the case of loss you must inform Nannybag.com, in writing, of the non delivery of your item within 3 days of the estimated delivery date. In order for us to consider any claim for compensation; within 3 days of the shipment date you must provide Nannybag.com with and include in the claim:

  • the signed proof of deposit or a written statement confirming the item was correctly dropped-off. Further proof of collection may be require;
  • written confirmation the item has not been received and in the case of communal residences all residents at the delivery address confirms the same, in the case of Hotels, Student Halls and Places of business all employees who may accept deliveries confirm the same;
  • original receipts or other proof of purchase (i.e. bank statements) for contents at or above the claim value;
  • a signed statement of acknowledging your claim is accurate.

If you cannot provide receipts or other proof of purchase but Nannybag accepts your claim then compensation will be limited to a maximum of 50% of your claim upon the submission of online shop links indicating value. In the case of missing items when an item has been successfully delivered, no claim will be accepted without original receipts or proof of purchase.

We may request additional information and/or evidence in order to properly assess your claim.

For all claims (with the exception of total loss) you must keep the package and its contents in the condition in which it arrived, if required you agree to let a third party examine and report back.

No new claim for damage will be considered 3 days after the collection date of the package and no new claim for loss will be considered 3 days after the estimated delivery date.

No open claim for damage where additional information has been requested will be considered 8 weeks after the collection date of the package and no new claim for loss were additional information has been requested will be considered 8 weeks after the estimated delivery date.

If no response to a claim offer is received, or if the claimant fails to provide payment details or other necessary information in order for the claim to be paid, the claim offer will expire 28 days after the date of offer. 

10.8 Where you are also claiming under any policy of insurance for the loss of or damage to Goods then any compensation awarded by Nannybag.com must be notified to your insurer who may deduct the amount of any compensation from the amount they may pay to you.

10.9 We shall not offer any discretionary compensation where a booking has been made through an unauthorised re-seller.


11.1 The customer agrees to abide by the list of prohibited items provided by us and our agents and that he/she will not attempt to send any goods contained in this listing. The combined lists are not exhaustive and Nannybag.com retain the right to add any item to this list in keeping with the circumstances prevailing at the time.

11.2 You agree you will not send anything which may be construed as illegal in any way e.g. prohibited or stolen items. If you are unsure if an item may be prohibited contact us before sending.

11.3 We will not accept or deal with goods such as; precious stones, jewellery, antiques, pictures, human remains, livestock, pets, plants, glass, keys, liquids, pastes, personal documents (including passports & tickets), gels or porcelain. Should any Customer nevertheless deliver any such goods to us or cause us or our agents to handle or deal with any such goods we shall be under no liability whatsoever for or in connection with such goods howsoever arising.

11.4 Except following instructions previously received in writing and accepted by us, we will not accept or deal with goods of a dangerous or damaging nature, nor with goods likely to harbour or encourage vermin or other pests, nor with goods liable to taint or affect other goods. If such goods are accepted pursuant to a special arrangement and then in our opinion they constitute a risk to other goods, property, life or health, we shall where reasonably practicable contact the Customer, but reserve the right at the expense of the Customer to remove or otherwise deal with the goods.

11.5 Customers are not allowed to pack or ship prohibited items as listed below:

  • Aerosols or any other pressurised containers;
  • Liquids, Pastes and Gels of any type;
  • Toner Cartridges;
  • Loose Batteries & Power Banks;
  • No more than one device containing a battery in line with our battery policy;
  • Animals and Animal products;
  • Firearms and firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, weapons (including imitations of same);
  • Flowers and plant products;
  • Human remains or ashes;
  • Medical samples;
  • Items that require a temperature controlled environment;
  • Pornography;
  • Prescription drugs and pharmaceutical products;
  • Tobacco;
  • Religious Artefacts;
  • Foodstuffs, perishable, animal origin and controlled food articles and beverages including, but not limited to: Fruit & vegetables, dairy products (including dried products containing dairy such as protein powder), meat, fish, nuts, seeds, wine, beer, spirits and champagne; or
  • Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odour of any kind;
  • Valuables and high value items including but not limited to antiques, paintings, jewellery, precious stones and electrical equipment (see 11.6 regarding low value electrical equipment);
  • Cash or other forms of tradeable currency;
  • Credit cards;
  • Passports or other confidential personal documentation;
  • Irreplaceable items;
  • Other Dangerous / hazardous goods;
  • Counterfeit goods;
  • Other illegal or restricted goods.

For international carriage there may be additional prohibited items specified by the country of origin and/or destination. The Company may at its sole discretion refuse to carry other items not listed here.

11.6 Low value electrical and other non standard excess baggage items (excluding those included at 11.5 on the prohibited list) may be sent at the owner's risk, should any customer deliver any such goods to us or cause us or our agents to handle or deal with any such goods we shall be under no liability whatsoever for or in connection with such goods howsoever arising. If you send such items you agree to package them appropriately for courier travel in line with manufacturer instructions and section 6 of these terms.

11.7 If you include prohibited items your shipment will not be loaded to an aircraft and will be returned to you. 

No refund will be provided for shipments returned under these circumstances and a €25 security processing fee will be due before your shipment can be recollected. In some cases your shipment could also be seized and action taken against you by the FAA or other authorities.

It may seem over the top that an aerosol would cause the return of your luggage, however in the past faulty aerosols, lithium batteries and flammable liquids have resulted in serious security alerts and as such the aviation authorities have imposed a zero tolerance policy on the inclusion of such items in unaccompanied luggage. While Nannybag has no control over the international aviation security protocols, we are committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all involved and require our customers to comply fully with the regulations.


12.1 Nannybag hosts independent genuine customer reviews. By submitting a review you agree that your review represents a fair and accurate summary of your experience. Reviews are published unabridged with the exclusion of foul language, third party trademarks and personal details which will be obscured within the published review.